Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Moab is truely a place I can say I LOVE...I feel so at home there and I love everything I see! This is our 2008 trip in April....
How can you not love that?

We found snow!!!

This is a awesome picture of Jaron and Chris.

Playing around!
This is my cousin Chris in his spiffy Ranger rock crawling...err...trying...hehe =)

This is under Gemini Bridges...

Jaron also trying to rock crawl...so manly...

I about had a heart attack when he climbed up on this arch...

Yup It was snowing!!
I cant wait to go back in 2009!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So..A friend asked me to watch a documentary called " Earthlings"...I humoured her and viewed it...Now I am not trying to start an debate but I feel I must comment on this movie...for it disturbed me more then anything else has in well...my whole lifetime...
If you want to view it as well...you can find it on google under Earthlings by Shaun Monson..It is about the treatment of animals in various situations...Pet stores, Shelters, Slaughterhouses,etc. At first I thought it would be another glorified PETA film with not actually footage...but this 1 hour and 30 min. movie is the real deal in my opinion....at times it is VERY hard to watch..there are scenes of animals being kept in horrible conditions to the unethical treatment of cows in slaughterhouses...Hanging by their feet, their throats cut so they can bleed out..all the while the cow is STILL CONSCIOUS!...over 100 cats are gassed and shoved in to trash cans as if they are dust bunnies under your bed!...Now...I have never been a radical person...but seriously...this movie has made me want to go and do something drastic to my local animal shelter worker...
I cant believe how heartless these people are...they throw the corpses of dead dogs around while they laugh!...these are living breathing animals..they feel everything just as you and I do...they deserve better...
I am not sure what I can do at this point..I meaCheck Spellingn I can't change the world overnight...but I will defiantly do my part! Everyone should! and maybe these sh*tholes will start being operated by people with some emotion...
I am not asking you to turn Vegan or bomb your local pet store...Some things we can all do...
* Spay and Neuter your pets! its cheap and easy!
*Write your local legislator and demand change! Animal abuse should be a felony in ALL STATES!
*If you know of injustices towards animals...report it! act out! its the least you can do..these animals do not have voice of their own...

I am not sure after watching that video if I can even bring myself to eat meat again...maybe in a few weeks I will have forgotten all about it and go back to seeing only what I want to see like the rest of the world.....but for right now I think ill pass on that steak...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thats History...

So..here is a little background on this new Schacht Family...Jaron met me through a mutual friend who at the time didn't like my dating "situation"...So I met him on a cold night in December 2006...He was the best Christmas present I could of ever asked for!!!…I have finally realized what truly loving someone is all about…and I am learning how to let someone love and take care of me…I don’t know what I would do without him and I hope everyday he knows how much I love and appreciate him…

This is our First fishing trip where Jaron says he knew he wanted to date me because.."She was not afraid to hold a fish.."...and FYI..My fish was bigger...=)

First trip to Saint Anthony, Idaho with Jaron's Family...I looked drunk..but I didn't even have a drink!!...

"I am pretty...Oh So Pretty..."...

That is just a taste for now! I will put more of our past trip pictures and current pictures soon..=)

Mrs. Schacht